Overspill 2007- Preview: Feast anxiety 09.04.07

Each week of the festival there is a 'Feast', a dinner for a limited number of SPILL audience members and artists. I've not spoken to anyone who has eaten at one of these yet, (please post a comment if you have: what happened to you? did everyone survive? )

Im dining with SPILL on the 12th. My worry is not the food, but the fact that live artists can be unpredictable in the sense that their work necessarily leaks into their non-work (is there such a thing) life in fascinating and engaging, sometimes frightening ways. Over the course of a few brief years i have been surprised by Live Art/Artists on many occasion in what i thought was a non-performance, personal or private sitauation. Nothing, it seems, is out of reach of live art happenings, and i think this is a good thing, but it does play on my nerves. The ticket sales lady at the Soho Theatre shared my doubts when i booked my Feast ticket. 'You are brave booking for that' ... (dear god what have i done). So, what will happen on thursday? Will i be eating with anyone I have seen naked? (answer: most definitely). Will anyone do anything 'weird' that transgresses the boundary of normal dinner beha viour (probably, but let it not be me). All these things and more i shall find out on thursday -and post them here on Friday pm. Despite the nerves i'm looking forward to it.

ps. If you see me on thurs, please say hello!

Rachel Lois

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